The next book would be to prove scientifically how corruption in society starts with the smallest thing at the local level. How lies, deceiving, and ignoring laws could lead to a system that is corrupt and it could take society into chaos. How the system has to recover from corruption and build up from the bottom up. How each individual can contribute to a near-perfect system.
(I will expose unbelievable examples, one city cover up to top-level corruption)
I went to the FBI in San Jose and reported that one of the Managers at Pratt & Whitney company where I was working at, was telling a Santa Clara Deputy named Richi to give tickets to the employees who would try to inform the US Air Force about any foul play. The agent taking information from me was Steve Jobs and then agent Zing. They brought Deputy Richi to the school where my kids would attend. One day out of the blue he wore make-up on his face and he told me he was not always like this. He became like this later in life. I will tell the rest soon what happened...
In Feb of 2008, I filed police a report with the COSTA MESA PD that an individual who lived upstairs to my apartment in 1000 South Coast Drive Costa Mesa, CA is making lewd and totally unacceptable comments about my Minor children. When I asked back for a copy of the report the following report was given to me.
Some statements indicated in the report are questionable 1) The name of the suspect was blacked out 2) It indicates that I said that the person is from the FBI and I wanted to see their badges 3) The suspect was reported in the report as a
The fact is that the person is not from FBI and I said I think that he is with the sheriff's office and I want to see his badge. In fact, the person is not a school teacher and in fact he is a deputized sheriff deputy.
After this report was filed by me, my apartment was raided by 4 Costa Mesa PD officers and by a Detective from the OC Sheriff's office named Cohen. There was no warrant and nor a court order to enter or raid my house or arrest me. They transported me to a Hospital and then from there they transported me to OC Central Jail in Santa Ana Civic Center. They did not let me change my clothes from the hospital clothes. Inside the central jail, I was lifted up from the waiting chair by two deputies. One of the deputies told me do not do that deputy, Shoo Mah, who lives upstairs. Then they grabbed my arms from the back and ran me to the wall of the holding cell hitting my head to the wall. Another deputy who was observing the two deputies kept telling me do not resist. I could not have resisted because they were holding my arm from the back. After my head was hit to the wall, the observing deputy said he did not resist. Then they took me to another area to search me. At that location nearby 5 other deputies who looked like they were 17 to 19 years old (very impossible) grabbed my arms from the back again and this time they put me against the wall and one of them twisted my wrist so much that it popped and cracked at the wrist. One of the employees of the jail on-looking the events said "oh my god they broke his wrist". Then they put me in a dirty holding cell that was covered with blood all over the floor. I sat on the bench there for a while and the 5 deputies came back, they pulled me out of the cell and one of them hit me in the chest and he replied to the other deputies he does not even move. They put me back in the cell. After processing they put me in a permanent holding cell in a clinical holding area. They took all my clothes and left. I was in severe pain in the wrist and chest area. At night I was in a lot of pain and could not sleep, I would scream from the severe pain in the wrist. The next day at breakfast time 3 people came, one was a deputy and the other two were civilian employees. One of the civilian employees looked at my arm and said "Ahh nothing is broken". They all left. I was in pain for all the time that I was in jail. I did not even know what I was charged with that I ended up in jail. Also, note the paper that was presented to the jail at the entrance had a bail of 5000 dollars indicated on it. The officer who took me in asked for a pen and he changed the bail to 50000 dollars in front of my eyes. The jail employee did not say anything. I kept asking the officer what is the charge and why you changed the bail amount. He did not respond.
I don't have a copy of the paperwork that he changed the bail amount on it, as if he is the judge. I will try to get that if I can. I will provide more details later here in this website.
The other fact that needs to be addressed is a gay FBI agent by the name of Steve Jobs was frequently going to the apartment upstairs where Shoo Mah was residing. And Marvin Campos used to tell me that Steve Jobs sleeps in his car and Steve's sister comes to Shoo Mah's apartment. True or not I don't know but Steve Jobs would tell me that Shoo Mah is a deputy that lives upstairs. Steve Jobs is basically a paranoid FBI agent from San Jose, who thinks the FBI director sent me to investigate him (2001). He is nobody, in the FBI office in San Jose he would tell me that if the director sent you here, let me know we do our own agents too. He and his buddy who went to Swin in the Ocean were both mental cases. His buddy could not swim and he did not come back from his swim. His buddy was a sheriff deputy from San Jose office who thought after 911 he should do me so the world would feel as if all Muslims are bad. These were racist cops who thought they could do anything they wanted. He used to make fun of me saying that you dress like us. I am a Doctor, of course I wear suits.
when they put me in jail, the maintenance person who was with Shoo Mah locked the door on my cats for one week and no food or anything in the apartment. The cats ruined the apartment by pooping everywhere in the apartment.
Right now,